So there are definitely pros and cons to being a first grade teacher. You need to have lots of energy to manage 27, 6 and 7 year old children, let alone teach them everything they need to know for first grade. Oh, and don't even get me started on all of the social skills, conflict resolution, and problem solving skills that need to be taught. But, it's a very rewarding job, and I love it. One of the best things is getting notes from my kids that they make at home (or at school...) On Friday, I was the lucky recipient of not one, but three notes from home and an eraser. One of my students who brought me a note from home will often find scraps of paper throughout the day at school and write, "I love you" on it and give it to me. There was one week that she did it almost every day. One day when she handed me the note, and I thanked her, she said, "Do I just make your day when I give you those notes?" Yes, yes you do! Daily validation from children. Dream job for sure. Well, here is a picture of the note she gave to me on Friday. (Notice the drawn in handwriting lines, and the date written at the top.)
In case you can't read it, here's a typed out version of what she wrote, followed by a translated version. (Seriously, if there was a degree in translating the spelling and handwriting of young children I would be proficient at least).
Her version:
Octobr 2014 Daer Miss Hansen are you isidid fo HalaWeen? Have you Ben to the moon? bo you like joolree? Wen are you going to bee mereed? Wut are you going to bee fo Halaween? Translated version: October 2014 Dear Miss Hansen, Are you excited for Halloween? Have you been to the moon? Do you like jewelry? When are you going to be married? What are you going to be for Halloween? Moral of the story: kids are great, and apparently it matters if you have been to the moon, and it's really important for them to know when I'm going to get married. (Believe me, if I knew the answer to that question, I would be a bonafide genius!)
As forewarned in my last post about cars, there will be many things I'm sure that will be blog worthy concerning me when it comes to cars. There are several stories that have come to mind for this blog post. First, I think I should start off with this clip concerning blinker fluid. Now, most of you probably know that there is no such thing as blinker fluid, but I was not so fortunate. I have fallen for it twice now. Kind of ridiculous. But be warned, I shall not be fooled again!
Anyway, so I was driving my friend's car to the grocery store a few months ago, because she was just recovering from a surgery and wasn't quite up to driving yet, but wanted to go to the store. We ended up taking her car, and I was put in the driver's seat. Now, the last person who had driven the vehicle was a guy who had much longer legs than me. I was trying to find the little lever to pull to scoot the seat forward, but it was no where to be found. She informed me that the seats were automatic, and there were some button things that would move it forward on the side of the seat. Well, I was messing with the buttons trying to just get the seat to move forward, but I was successful in moving the seat up and down, and the back of the seat forward and back, but I could not for the life of me get the whole seat to move forward. Someone eventually had to move the seat forward for me. So I was already doing great. Well, when we got to the store I had another struggle trying to get the key out of the car. In my car, you just turn the key and pull it out, and you're good to go. Well, apparently in her car, you have to turn the key, and then push it in as you twist it the rest of the way before pulling it out. So, after trying to get the key out for about 30 seconds, someone had to help me with that too. Embarrassing. Okay, not really that embarrassing. A few weeks later, I was getting home from school, and I had a big box of things to be working on. Now, it was a heavy box and was kind of ripping, so I didn't want to put it on the ground and try to pick it back up. So, I opened the passenger side door, which was holding the box, and slid the box out. Now, I leaned the box up against the car, and leaned on the box to hold it in place. Since my car doesn't have automatic locks, I had to manually lock my car. So I leaned forward to push the lock. As I was leaning back, I grabbed the door, and kind of slammed it shut so it would have enough momentum to close while I was still leaning up against the box. I guess I hadn't leaned far enough away from the door yet, because my ear was right in the line of fire and got the corner of my door. Ouch! Anyway, those are the main car stories for now. I have a beauty of a car story that I am saving for a post a little further down the road (haha, no pun intended) so stay tuned!