Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Case of the Traveling Bobby Pin and Other Mediocre Tales

I have spent much time lately pondering on what to blog about. My life, it seems, has settled into much of a routine, with little variance and almost certainly no blog-worthy material. Perhaps the fact that I have been wanting to find something to blog about has made certain events as of late seem worthy of blogging, but as the title for this post implies...they are definitely mediocre. Please keep this in mind so that your disappointment after this read is minimal. 

I am inclined to think that "The Case of the Traveling Bobby Pin" will be the highlight of this post, and as such, I will be saving it for last. So onto another mediocre tale in the meantime. Much of my time lately has been spent preparing and organizing things for my classroom this fall. The more I prepare, brainstorm, and create, the more excited I am becoming. As my school is in Eagle Mountain and I am in Provo, I have been waiting until I have enough materials and ideas to be able to spend a productive day in my classroom setting up rather than going for only an hour or two. Due to this, I have been storing my organized projects on my bed, and I sit on my floor as I work on more projects. Once a project is complete, I add it to the collection on my bed (See photo for better understanding of how the projects are stored). 

Now, the funny thing about a bed, is that this is where normal people usually choose to sleep. However, my bed is so covered in projects that there is absolutely no room for me! It's highly possible that I am just lazy, so the effort required on a daily basis to take the projects off my bed in an orderly fashion and then put them back on my bed again just to sleep is just too much. But then again, transferring those projects to my floor and playing "don't step on any of tubs, displays, stuffed animals, prizes, or any other classroom paraphernalia" in the morning when I am super groggy and sliding off my bed to walk to the bathroom without my contacts in doesn't seem like the best idea. So, to resolve these issues and get some much needed sleep, I have been sleeping on my floor. I'm not going to lie--the first night the inner child in me was actually super excited. I set up my yoga mat in the narrow space between my bed and my desk, and then covered it with a blanket and snuggled up with my other three blankets. For one night, there was definitely a little bit of novelty and excitement there. However, last night was night three, and as the pain ensuing from sleeping on the floor increases, my enthusiasm decreases. I am very hopeful that I will be getting into my classroom this week, and by natural consequence, be returning to my increasingly comfortable bed to sleep!

My mind is drawing a blank for any other mediocre tales, so I will revert to "The Case of the Traveling Bobby Pin" as my next blogging material. Last night (Saturday) I went on a date with a guy in my ward, and he suggested that we go to the assisted living center that he works at and play them some music--me on the piano, and him on the violin. We were planning on playing some of the songs together, so we got together just over an hour before we had to leave to be there, to practice. I kid you not, I sat down on the chair at the piano and instantly felt something fall down the back of my shirt. One of my bobby pins had fallen out of my hair and slid conveniently to the back of my bra, where it decided to hang out for a while. Had I just been at home, no big deal, right? Just take my shirt off, grab the little bugger and stick it back where it belongs. As I was both on a date and in public, I didn't think that this would be the best course of action, so I decided to try to ignore it and just bide my time. Well, as we practiced, I had a lot more to think about than the bobby pin down my shirt, and I soon forgot about the whole incident. We practiced, performed, got shaved ice, and then sat and talked for a couple hours. By the time I got home, I had completely forgotten about the whole incident. Well, another guy in my ward invited me to go longboarding with him to get a shake, so, of course I did. Now, I probably spend as much time off the longboard as I do on the longboard because I can't get my balance quite right yet. So I was on and off the longboard, bending over to turn it in the direction I wanted it to go, etc. The ride was pretty uneventful. We rode to Sonic, got shakes, and rode back. No biggie. Well I was sitting on the couch afterward, and something felt really weird on the back of my thigh. As I went to rub the back of my leg, what should I feel but that pesky little bobby pin! Over the course of 5ish hours, it had fallen down my shirt, got caught in the back of my bra, and made it's way down my pants where it decided to rest again, about mid-thigh. And there it stayed until I changed into pajamas right before I went to bed. Ridiculous! I'm just grateful that I forgot that it had fallen out, and that I couldn't feel it down my shirt all night, because that would have been mighty uncomfortable!

To wrap this up, I will fall back upon the wise words of Dr. Seuss:

"Remember me and smile, for it is better to forget than remember me and cry."

I hope that this post managed to bring at least a small smile to your face! Farewell. 

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