It was a Saturday night, I believe, and I was going on a date with this guy who I thought was really cute and kind of liked. He was taking me laser tagging, which I had never done before. Anyone who knows me knows that I am usually up for anything so long as I feel I'm not going to get seriously injured in the process, so laser tagging it was. We went and played a couple of games, and it was a lot of fun! When we came outside after, it was pouring rain. So, we ran to his car and quickly got in. We decided to go back to my apartment to hang out and play some games. It was still raining really hard when we made it to my apartment. Now, there is this little grassy hill that I would always walk over to get to my apartment, rather than following the sidewalk around--which was like and extra 15 feet. My date went over the hill first a slipped just a tiny bit, and he warned me that it was slippery. So, I was treading very carefully as I tried to sneak over the hill. But, it was to no avail, because I slipped...and fell. Suffice it to say that I left quite the impression on the hill, as well as getting several layers of clothing muddy and wet. It was kind of embarrassing, but it was also funny!
After I changed clothes, we played some games and eventually got on Pinterest. I'm not at liberty to say which one of us had the Pinterest account, because I was sworn to secrecy. ;) While talking, he told me about how he once had a roommate who was dating this girl, and they both wanted him (my date) to go on a date with her roommate. He didn't want to, but felt pressured. So begrudgingly he set up a date with her. Well, the day of the date came along, and he really didn't want to go, so he called and cancelled because he was "sick." Well, his roommate found out and made him reschedule. This time, when the day of the date came around, he really wasn't feeling well, but he didn't think he should cancel again. They were just going to watch a movie, and he was hoping to just make it through the movie. The movie hadn't even started before he started to feel extremely sick. He stood up, and said he just needed to go walk around outside for a second. Before he could make it outside, he threw-up right in her entry way. So...they didn't finish that date, or go on another one for that matter. Our date came to an end for that night, but there were others to follow, regardless of me making a fool of myself.
On one of these other dates, he picked me up and we went over to the Riverwoods to have dinner and then look at the gingerbread houses that the various stores had designed. We went to Macaroni Grill for dinner, which was really good. Then we went over to check out the gingerbread houses, which were fun to look at, but you could only look at them for so long. As we left the gingerbread house display, we started to just walk around the area. It was a nice night for December, and there were streams of lights up. I thought we might walk around and talk for a little bit. All of the sudden, my date thought we should go, so we started walking back to his car. When we were just a few feet away from his car, he kind of pushed me to the side and turned away just as he threw-up all over the parking lot. Poor guy! If it wasn't embarrassing enough to throw up on one date, he had thrown up on two! I didn't quite know what to say, but I did think the whole thing was kind of funny. (Even if a little throw-up had gotten on my shoe and pant-leg). The ride back to his apartment was very quiet. I'm sure he didn't know what to say because he was kind of embarrassed, and I couldn't say anything because I knew if I tried I was going to burst out laughing, and I didn't want to make him feel worse. He told me that earlier in the day he hadn't been feeling too great, but he didn't want to cancel on me, especially because of the story he had told me about cancelling on the other girl. After contemplating playing games for a while that night, we decided to call it quits just to be safe. (And just for the record, we did go on additional dates after that incident, just like we had after I slipped on the hill).
As much fun as dating can be, I guess it's also a little unpredictable! That's okay though, because I like living on the wild side.
I absolutely love you and miss your gorgeous face! I feel like I can hear you telling me all of these stories even if I have already heard some of them;)